This was the first five-figure massacre of Jews. In July, Kamenets-Podolsk was occupied by the Hungarian forces that fought alongside Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union. Beginning in mid-July, some 14,000 Jews, residents but not citizens of Hungary, were deported to Korosmezo near the Polish border. From there, they were sent to Kolomija near Kamenets-Podolsk, and turned over to the SS. By August 10, at least 14,000 Jews had been handed over in this fashion. On August 25, these Jews’ fate was sealed in a meeting at the headquarters of the commander of the Wehrmacht logistics division at Vinnitsa. At this meeting, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Friedrich Jeckeln promised to finish murdering, by September, the Jews whom the Hungarians had turned over. The Aktion took place on August 27-28, and according to Jeckeln’s report (Operational Report USSR No. 80), 23,600 persons were murdered—14,000-18,000 from Hungary and the rest local. The Hungarians had also played an active role in the murder.